Office of Curriculum and Instruction

  • The office of Curriculum and Instruction can be described as the "engine" that drives teaching and learning in our school district. 

    BBCHS is recognized for its rigorous, well-defined curriculum, and for the quality of innovative learning, grading, and classroom tactics. Across the curriculum, our core values are fostered in students in an effort to equip them with skills to become successful 21st century learners. The curriculum also incorporates state-of-the-art technology tools and integrated instruction to prepare students for college and career readiness.

Curriculum Department Staff

  • Tiffany Kohl

    Tiffany Kohl
    Director of Curriculum & Instruction
    (815) 937-3707 ext. 6007

  • paige

    Paige Derbas
    Assistant Director of Curriculum
    (835) 937-3707 ext. 6415