Phone: (815) 937-3707 ext. 6085
Degrees and Certifications:
Jennifer Rock
The BBCHS Transportation Department provides bus service for students residing within the school district. By maintaining high standards of training, vehicle maintenance and professional conduct, we are dedicated to providing our students the safest possible environment as they are in transit to and from school.
Route Maps and Information
General Information
Bus service is provided for qualifying students who attend Bradley-Bourbonais Community High School. There is no charge for this service.
Buses leave the back parking lot at 3:05 p.m. The second load bus students are to report to the north cafeteria and your bus will be called when it arrives.
Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High School covers Bradley, Bourbonnais, St. George, and other areas. Therefore, some bus runs are 10 to 15 miles long and require from 30 to 45 minutes to reach school. To cover this distance as quickly as possible, only a limited number of stops can be made. This is why the bus cannot stop at every house or at every intersection, and why students are required to walk to certain points along the bus route. By law, a high school student may be required to walk up to one-and-one-half miles to reach school or a bus stop.
Bus route information is determined at the beginning of each school year and is posted. Drivers are instructed to pickup and drop off only at the locations on the route map. Any questions, please contact the Transportation Office.
Bus drivers are responsible for the lives of all students on their buses and will not be required to transport any individual who is a disciplinary problem. If a student's behavior is not acceptable, the privilege of riding the bus will be withdrawn and it then becomes the responsibility of the parent to transport the student. School bus riders, while in transit, are under the jurisdiction of the school bus driver.
Bus Rules:
- Always obey the bus driver
- Stay well off of the roadway at all times while waiting for the arrival of the bus.
- Remain seated facing forward.
- NO Fighting...Violence is prohibited.
- NO eating or drinking on the bus.
- NO throwing or tossing of objects.
- NO smoking.
- NO profanity.
- Keep your hands & head inside the bus.
- Do Not destroy property.
- Avoid loud talking, laughing, or unnecessary confusion which can avert the driver's attention and result in a serious accident.
- No additional bus stops are permitted. Do not ask the bus driver to stop at places other than the regular bus stop; he/she is not permitted to do this except by proper authorization from a school official.
*Failure to follow the rules on the bus will lead to an assigned seat and/or the loss of bus riding privileges up to 10 days.
*Serious misbehavior may also be cause for punishment up to and including suspension or expulsion from school.