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Community Survey Results
The purpose of conducting a community opinion poll is to gauge public sentiment and gather input from the community regarding the proposed improvements and funding measures. By soliciting feedback from a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including parents, students, teachers, and local residents, the school administration can ensure that proposed solutions reflect the community’s needs and values.
This process was facilitated in May 2024 by Creative Entourage, a company with more than 30 years' experience working with school districts and the public sector. Below you will find results from the survey.
Possible $62 Million Bond Proposal
While no decision has been made, BBCHS is considering a bond proposal for approximately $62 million to fund improvements to the high school. This proposal would eliminate classroom trailers and improve learning spaces, safety and security and building infrastructure. If this proposal appeared on the ballot, is it something you would... Strongly Favor, Favor, Oppose, or Strongly Oppose.
Approximately $23 per month for the owner of a $200,000 house
Passing this proposal would raise property taxes approximately $23 per month for the owner of a $200,000 house. Knowing this, is the proposal something you would... Strongly Favor, Favor, Oppose, or Strongly Oppose.
Next are statements people might make about a possible bond proposal for district improvements. For each, indicate if the statement makes you much more inclined to support a bond proposal, somewhat more, somewhat less or much less inclined to support the proposal.