AP Testing at BBCHS
All students taking AP classes are required to take the AP test.
BBCHS is committed to providing equity and access for all students. Therefore, the district pays for all students to take the AP test.
- If a student is enrolled in the course, they are required to take the test.
If a student drops the course after Nov 10, 2023 or does not sit for the exam, a $40 charge will be assessed. This fee is charged by the College Board. https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/exam-policies-guidelines/exam-fees
If a student has two tests on the same day (morning and afternoon) they are expected to take both that day.
AP Testing will take place at Gathering Point Church.
Testing times:
Exams start at 8AM and 12PM. Release times vary based on the exam. A more detailed schedule can be found at the testing schedule link above.Excused absence:
Students will be excused all day from school on the day of their test. Students can come to school before/after they test, please check in at SS9Transportation:
Students can drive to the testing location. Bussing to and from the school the school will be provided. If a student tests in the afternoon, they will need to get a ride home from the school after being dropped off by the shuttle bus from the testing location.When to arrive:
Please arrive 30 minutes before the start of your exam.Dismissal:
Students can not be dismissed early. Students are only dismissed after the testing time expires.Accommodated Students:
Students that have accommodations for SAT/PSAT, that will apply to AP Testing.Cheating:
If College Board finds that you have deliberately gained or attempted to gain or share an unfair advantage on any College Board test, or otherwise threatened the integrity of the test, we will prohibit you from taking the SAT or AP Exams.
What to Bring
- No. 2 pencils for your multiple-choice answer sheet. (Students outside the U.S.: bring HB or No. 2 pencils.)
- Pens with black or dark blue ink for completing areas on the exam booklet covers and for free-response questions in most exams.
- An acceptable calculator if your AP Exam allows the use of a calculator.
- If you don’t attend the school where you’re taking the exam: a current government-issued or school-issued photo ID. (Additional ID may be required by authorized test centers outside the United States.)
- Your College Board SSD Accommodations Letter if you are taking an exam with approved testing accommodations.
- A watch that does not have internet access, does not beep or make noise, and does not have an alarm.
- A ruler or straightedge only if you are taking an AP Physics Exam. Protractors are not allowed.
What Not to Bring
- Electronic equipment including phones, smartwatches, fitness trackers, wearable technology, cameras, recording or listening devices, or any other type of electronic or communication device.
- Digital recording devices that meet AP Program criteria are allowed only for the AP French, AP German, AP Italian, and AP Spanish Language and Culture Exams, and the AP Music Theory Exam.
- Computers that meet AP Program criteria are allowed for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exams.
- Books, reference guides, notes, compasses, protractors, mechanical pencils, pencils that are not No. 2, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, or colored pencils.
- Scratch paper: Students are prohibited from bringing scratch paper to the AP Exam. For AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams, scratch paper will be provided.
- Watches that beep, make a noise, or have an alarm.
- Computers or calculators that are not approved.
- Reference guides, keyboard maps, or other typing instructions.
- Ear plugs.
- Clothing or shoes with subject-related information.
- Food or drink.
- Scores are released sometime in early July. Students can sign in to their College Board account and view their scores.
- Information on Scoring - https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/exam-policies-guidelines/additional-information-california
- Information on Rescoring an exam (Multiple Choice Only) https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/score-reporting-services/request-rescore
- Sending scores to colleges or universities can be done at this link. Remember all scores are sent. https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/sending-scores/online
- Withholding Scores - When a student sends AP Scores to a college or university. The College Board sends the scores for all exams taken by that student. If you would like to withhold one or more scores from being sent, that can be done here. https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/score-reporting-services/withhold-scores
- Canceling Scores - A student can cancel a score and the score will be deleted. This is permanent and cannot be undone. That can be found here. https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/score-reporting-services/cancel-scores
What to do if you are ill/injured on testing day
- Email sbennett@bbchs.org with the information. Makeup exams are available.
- If no contact is made within 2 days of the test date, it will be assumed the student is not taking the test and the $40 fee will be charged.
Colleges that Accept Scores
Follow the link to review the list of colleges that accept AP scores: https://apstudents.
collegeboard.org/getting- credit-placement/search- policies/course
More Information
For more information on AP Exams please visit - https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/